Bike to School
Promoting cycling as a sustainable way of transport usually means trying to change people's mindsets. Children are the most open minded part of a society - they adopt new ideas far more easily than adults. By reaching the children with our targeted "Bike to School" campaign we also reach their parents telling them that the car is not the only way to get the children to school.
In frame of the "Bike to School" campaign every morning children from elementary schools join "bike trains" and cycle to their schools. Joining a "bike-train" means that the children cycle behind each other led by an adult and followed by another one at the end. All members of the bike train wear bright colored "Bike to School" T-shirts and little flags on their bikes.
Safety plays a very important role in the campaign - the children never cycle without parents. The Hungarian Cyclists' Club provides the necessary courses and information materials for the participating parents, eg. guide books - like how to cycle in traffic safely.
The map of the pilot-campaign:
Bike to School on a larger map
The bike to School campaign is sponsored by the Hungarian Telecom' in frame of the 'Hello Holnap' program.
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