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Érd és Térsége: Hírek


SZSolt - 2020-12-11
bike, bringa, ctiricalmass, érd, érd körbe, essential, esszencia, kerékpár, local

Someone said long years before, when I moved to Érd next to Budapest: "Why do you go there, there is nothing..."

Someone said long years before, when I moved to Érd next to Budapest: "Why do you go there, there is nothing..."

But we can live here, what is more, we can bike here. We have our own local bike festival, the "Érd Körbe", twice a year, older than the world famous CRITICAL MASS of Budapest!

We invite our friends with pleasure around the country, around Europe, and all around the world!

From our twin city, Poynton, England, a small senior biker team came to us on their TWENTY-THIRD DAY (a dozen day earlier to Érd Körbe, they were too fast) of their impressive bike tour across Europe, to Istambul, Turkey.

But a kind family from US came twice again directly to our Érd Körbe, you can find their story here.

Have you ever tried the bike route of the Danube, the EuroVelo 6? You can try here, we have our piece of it!

Have you ever 'erd about Érd? Do you have any friends at Érd? Or Budapest? Why do not come to Érd? Exacly on the day of Érd Körbe?

Let's get in touch: erd@kerekparosklub.hu


Erdkorbe 2013_report.pdf

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